
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Aitareya Upanishad-2. Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================= ====================================================================== 03/01/2020. POST-2. ======================================================================= 1. The Upanishad begins by telling us, "The Universal Atman alone was." We should not say that the Atman was or will be, and so on; such a way of putting things would not be in harmony with what the Atman actually is. "The Atman was" is not the proper way of putting it because It also is, and shall also be in the future. But the word 'was', in the past tense, has been used often in the Upanishads from the point of view of our understanding of the process of creation, because we seem to feel that this world is a present condition, and the condition prior to the condition of the world prevailing now should be considered as something past. -----------------------------------------------------------------------