
Showing posts from March, 2020

The Aitareya Upanishad - 6. Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03/2020. Post -6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. #To the extent you are only one among many, you are an object among many other objects. You are a physical body, a psycho-physical complex; you have no pure subjectivity in you; and your affirmation of your worth, of your individuality, becomes a fake affirmation. ##Therefore, the world seems to be very heavy upon you; society is too much for you and you cannot understand the things that happen in this world, and why they happen at all. Human history, which is a process of events over which you do not seem to have any kind of control, has converted you into objects, as units over which the whole history sweeps. ###You must listen to

The Aitareya Upanishad - 5. Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/03/2020. Post-5. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. #Hence, this self-identity, the affirmation of the egoistic principle in the individuality, becomes so prominent that its consequence follows immediately. The more intense the affirmation of individuality, the more intense also is the negation of universality taking place at the same time. ##The more vehement is your affirmation of your personality, your isolated individuality, the worse it is for you. The more intensely you are, correspondingly, God is not, because the affirmation of an egoistic principle is the negation of Universality, which is God's nature. ###The sorrow that follows from the affirmation of the individuality of a per