
Showing posts from April, 2020

The Aitareya Upanishad - 7. Swami Krishnananda

=========================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/04/2020. Post-7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. *"We live in a world of untruth," says the Upanishad very, very poignantly. #We are involved in the untruth of our physicality, our individuality, our sociability, our isolation of ourselves from other things and the compulsion that we feel to see things only as present outside us. **We are very much concerned with things outside and concerned very little with our own selves. ***When we open our eyes, we see only that which we are not. ##The Aitareya Upanishad briefly mentions to us, "A sorrow struck the individuals, as if a thunderbolt fell on them, and they cried and wept." ###When you lose yourself, you begin to cry. If you lose anything else, it does not matter, but if it is a question of losing yourself, you can imagine what it