
Showing posts from May, 2020

The Aitareya Upanishad - 10. Swami Krishnananda

============================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, May 29, 2020. Post-10. ------------------------------------------ 1. #Over and above what it has already told us about creation and the way in which we find ourselves in this world, the Upanishad goes into further detail of the reason why we are in this condition. Birth and death become a necessary result that follows from involvement in externality. ##What we call evolution in modern scientific language is the effort of the external to become the Universal. Every atom, everything living and non-living, is attempting to regain its universality. The whole world of externality is attempting to regain its universality. The world is craving for God, and every little atom of creation is crying for that which it has lost. ###The restlessness that we feel in this world, the kinds of agony of various types in which

The Aitareya Upanishad - 9. Swami Krishnananda

============================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, May 19, 2020. Post-9. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. #The Aitareya Upanishad tells us the Atman, the Universal Being which alone was, became the cause of the manifestation of this universe in this fashion: through the manifestation of the external space-time first, through multiplicity and through inverted compulsion of perception in respect of individuals. We cannot conceive of a greater tragedy. Even a concentration camp is better than this. The worst has befallen us. But we think we are still in heaven. ##Everything seems to be nice: the world is beautiful, society is good, friends are plenty, wealth is there. What is wrong with the world? The misconception has gone so deep into the very veins of our existence that we have started imagining that we are actua

The Aitareya Upanishad - 8. Swami Krishnananda

=================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/05/2020. Post-8. ------------ 1. So, food was given to us, and through the pranas we consume a diet of this food. Through the eyes we assume that we are eating something in the form of colours and visions. We will be very unhappy if we cannot see things. "Oh, he is blind! He cannot see." What does it matter if he does not see? matters because a part of the diet of our sense organs has gone. Vision is a food, the sound that we hear is a food, taste is also a food, touch is a food, smell is a food. But this food cannot satisfy us for long. Every day we are hungry. If the food that is given to us today is actually satisfying, tomorrow we should not be hungry again. Why is it that we are harassed like this every day? Why is it that two or three times a day, hunger and thirst come upon us like demons? We seem to be living