
Showing posts from April, 2021

The Aitareya Upanishad -4.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, April 23, 2021. 11:57. AM. The Aitareya Upanishad -4. Section 2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Indeed in a person this one first becomes an embryo. That which is called retas is a culmination of the vigor coming from the limbs of the body. In the self only one bears the self. By shedding it into a female, he gives birth to it. This is the first birth. 2. It enters into the self of the female, as if it is a limb of her. Therefore it does not cause her any harm. She nourishes this self of his that has come into her. 3. She is the one who nourishes, so should she be nourished. She bears him in her womb. Before the birth he nourishes the child, so does he after his birth. He thus nourishes his own self, for the continuation of the worlds. The worlds are sustained in this manner only. This is the second birth. 4. He who is thus born of his own s

The Aitareya Upanishad -3.

  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, April 17, 2021. 01:45. AM. The Aitareya Upanishad -3. Section 2.continued&Section-3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Section 2 Hunger and thirst symbolically stand for desire, which is the main motive power behind the functioning of the sense organs. According to this verse, the creator did not create a specific region for hunger and thirst, while he did it for the rest of the divinities. Instead he assinged the entire body to them so that every part in the body would experience and hunger and thirst and seek food and water for their survival in return for the services they render. In other words, hunger and thirst compel the whole body and its parts to work properly and secure food. Imagine if hunger and thirst were limited to only a particular part in the body. People would have solved the problem

The Aitareya Upanishad -2.

  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Aitareya Upanishad -2.  Section 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sunday, April 11, 2021. 09:57. AM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The divinities so created fell into the great ocean (of life). The Self subjected them to hunger and thirst. And they asked Him, "Find out an abode for us where we can sit and eat food." 2. He brought for them a cow. They said, "No, this is not enough for us" He gave them a horse. They said, "No this is not enough for us." 3. He brought for them a person. They said this was an appropriate creation. A person is indeed an appropriate creation. He said to them, "Enter your respective parts." All beings in creation are subjected to desires, which at the most basic level manifest as hunger and thirst. Without the two the physiological n