
Showing posts from January, 2022

Aitareya Upanishad : T.N.Sethumadhavan.

=================================== ================================== Saturday, January 08. 2022. 7:00. PM. Origin of the Universe & Man   (Part-1)  - ================================= Preamble : Aitareya Upanishad is a common ground for philosophy and physics. It contains the mahavakya, the great aphorism  “prajnanam brahma”, Consciousness is Brahman. Aitareya Upanishad identifies  Consciousness  as the First Cause  of  creation.  This is forerunner of ‘Unified Field Theory’ or a  ‘Theory of Everything’ which the modern physicists are trying to discover although  the modern science does not recognize Consciousness as a factor in  creation of the universe.   One of the oldest pastimes of man is to run the search engine of his contemplative and analytical faculties to  find out the final answer  to the riddle  of  creation of the universe. This question is not merely academic but  it also assumes  the colors of religion, philosophy, science and poetry.  We have answers to this enig