Aitareya Upanishad : 5. T.N.Sethumadhavan.



Friday, July 29. 2022. 19:30. 

Chapter I - Section 1 

Origin of the Universe & Man  

Post - 5.


Mantram-4 :

tamabhyatapattasyabhitaptasya mukha.n nirabhidyata yatha.andam 

mukhadvagvacho.agnirnasike nirabhidyeta.n nasikabhyam pranah .. 

pranadvayurakshini nirabhidyetamakshibhya.n chakshushchakshusha 

adityah karnau nirabhidyeta.n karnabhya.n shrotra.n 

shrotraddishastva~nnirabhidyata tvacho lomani lomabhya oshadhivanaspatayo 

hridaya.n nirabhidyata hridayanmano manasashchandrama nabhirnirabhidyata 

nabhya apano.apananmrityuh 

shishna.n nirabhidyata shishnadreto retasa apah .. 4.. 


Commentary :

He brooded over Him. From Him, so brooded over, 

the mouth was separated out, as with an egg; form the mouth, the organ of speech; 

from speech, fire, the controlling deity of the organ. 

Then the nostrils were separated out; from the nostrils, the organ of breath; from 

breath, air, the controlling deity of the organ.


Then the eyes were separated out; from the eyes, the organ of sight; from sight, the 

sun, the controlling deity of the organ.


Then the ears were separated out; from the ears, the organ of hearing; from 

hearing, the quarters of space, the controlling deity of the organ.


Then the skin was separated out; from the skin, hairs, the organ of touch; from the 

hairs, plants and trees, air the controlling deity of the organs.


Then the heart was separated out; from the heart, the organ of the mind; 

from the mind, the moon, the controlling deity of the organ.


Then the navel was separated out; from the navel, the organ of the apana; 

from the apana, Death, Varuna, the controlling deity of the organ.


Then the virile member was separated out; from the virile member, semen, the 

organ of generation; from the semen, the waters, the controlling deity of the organ. 

He brooded over the lump, intending to give it the shape of a man. It will be seen from 

the stags of evolution of man as described above that the visible instruments are formed 

first, next the subtle organ which is the real instrument of perception and last the

controlling deity which animates each organ. The controlling deity is the guardian of the 

respective organ. 

The process of creation described here is analogous to the development of embryo in an 

egg or foetus in the womb. The microcosm of man and macrocosm of cosmos follow an 

identical pattern. 

ityaitareyopanishadi prathamadhyaye prathamah khandah. 

End of Chapter I - Section 1 


Next -  atha aitareyopanishadi prathamadhyaye dvitiyah khandah 

Chapter I - Section 2 :Cosmic Powers in the Human Body 

Mantra 1 

ta eta devatah srishta asminmahatyarnave prapatan.h 

. tamashanapipasabhyamanvavarjat.h . ta 

enamabruvannayatana.n nah prajanihi yasminpratishthita annamadameti .. 1.. 

These deities, thus created, fell into this great ocean. He, the Creator, subjected the 

Person (Virat in the form of a lump) to hunger and thirst. They (the deities) said to 

Him (the Creator): "Find out for us an abode wherein being established we may eat 


To be continued ....



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