Aitareya Upanishad : 2. T.N.Sethumadhavan .



Thursday, May 05. 2022. 19:00. 

Origin of the Universe & Man  

(Part-1)  - 2


Introduction  to the Aitareya Upanishad 


Positive tendencies are created by constant repetition. Even in spirituality - nama japa - repeating the name of the lord, has the greatest place.

We often hear of depression, dejection, anger and frustration as being some of the emotions that keep one from attaining their higher goal – happiness. We are often also advised to keep the mind busy with some positive activity.

Keeping the mind involved in nobler and higher thoughts and actions is one of the easiest ways to keep the mind busy. Take the name of the Lord – any name, and chant the same to fill up the vacant and idle mind.

- Swami Swaroopananda ( Chinmaya mission )


The Aitareya Upanishad belongs to the Aitareya Aranyaka and is a part of the Rig Veda. This Upanishad consists of 3 chapters; the first chapter has 3 sections and the remaining two chapters do not have any sections. In the earlier portions of the Aranyaka rituals for the attainment of oneness with Saguna Brahman and their interpretations are dealt with. It is the purpose of the Upanishad to lead the mind of the ritualist away from the outer cermonials to their inner meaning. Sankara points out that there are three classes of men who wish to acquire wisdom. The highest consist of those who have turned away from the world, whose minds are freed and collected, who are eager for freedom. For such seekers this Upanishad is intended. (The other two classes of people are those who want to become free gradually and those who care only for worldly possessions).  

The first chapter describes the creation. It provides an allegorical description of the creation of the universe - as also of man – from Consciousness. It uses the word ‘Brahman’ for universal Consciousness and ‘Atman’ for individual Consciousness. These two words embrace all possible concepts about God and all known names of God without any contradiction whatsoever.  

Atman alone exists as the sole Reality prior to the creation of all names and forms of the phenomenal world and during their continuance and after their dissolution as well. It projects the created objects through its wondrous powers of maya. The creation is the spontaneous act of the Creator who is not impelled by any desire or necessity. It is the projection of creator’s thoughts. 

The stages of creation are as follows: the different worlds, the Virat(representing the totality of the physical bodies)► ►the deities or Devas (who control the various organs) ►►the elements►►the individual bodies►►and the food by which these bodies are sustained. After creation the Creator enters into the bodies as their living self. Thus is projected the universe of diversity. Next the Upanishad deals with the refutation (apavada) of this universe in order to arrive at the Knowledge of Atman.  


THE TEXT:  "atha aitareyopaniShadi  prathamAdhyAye  prathamaH" 

Chapter I - Section 1 The Creation of the Cosmic Person 



"va~n me manasi pratishthita mano me vachi pratishthitamaviravirma edhi .. 

vedasya ma anisthah shrutam me ma prahasiranenadhitenahoratran 

sa.ndadhamyrita.n vadishyami satya.n vadishyami .. 

tanmamavatu tadvaktaramavatvavatu mamavatu vaktaramavatu vaktaram.h .."

om shantih! shantih!! shantih!!! 


Translation :

May my speech be fixed in my mind, may my mind be fixed in my speech! 

O self-luminous Brahman, reveal yourself to me.  

O mind and speech enable me to grasp the truth which the scriptures teach.  

Let me not forget what I learnt. Let me study day and night.  

May I think truth? May I speak truth?  

May truth protect me? May truth protect the teacher?  

Protect me. Protect the teacher. Protect the teacher.

Aum. Peace! Peace!! Peace!!!  


Next : Mantram- 1. 

"om atma va idameka evagra asinnanyatki.nchana mishat.h . sa ikshata lokannu srija iti .. 1".

To be continued ....



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