Aitareya Upanishad : 4. T.N.Sethumadhavan



Thursday, July 21. 2022. 19:30. 

Origin of the Universe & Man  


Post - 4.


Mantram - 2 .

"Sa ima.n llokanasrijata . ambho marichirmapo.ado.ambhah parena diva.n dyauh 

pratishtha.antariksham marichayah .. prithivi maro ya adhastatta apah." 


Commentary :

He created these worlds: Ambhah, the world of water-bearing clouds, Marichi, the 

world of the solar rays, Mara, the world of mortals and Ap, the world of waters. 

Yon is Ambhah, above heaven; heaven is its support. The Marichis are the 

interspace. Mara is the earth. What is underneath is Ap. 

It should be kept in mind that at the very outset, He created the five rudimentary 

elements. First there emerged four fields for the functioning of the universe. 

Those have been identified here as :

1. The ocean beyond the heavens (Ambaha) supported byHeavens, 

2. The region of light (Marichi), 

3. The region of death in the form of earth (Mara) and 

4. Primeval waters supporting the earth (Apah).


Mantram : 3.

 sa ikshateme nu loka lokapalannu srija iti .. so.adbhya eva purusha.n 

samuddhrityamurchayat.h .. 3.. 


Commentary :

He bethought Himself: "Here now are the worlds. Let Me now create worldguardians." 

Right from the waters He drew forth the Person in the form of a lump and gave Him a shape. 

He then reflected “here are the worlds, let me now create guardians of the worlds to 

protect it”. 

He then, like a potter, who first takes a lump of clay in his hands and then 

gradually gives it a shape, gave a shape to the person in the form of a lump which is 

called Virat, the gross form of the Cosmic Person (Purusha) of whom all the tangible 

physical objects are parts.

Next Mantram-4 :

tamabhyatapattasyabhitaptasya mukha.n nirabhidyata yatha.andam 

mukhadvagvacho.agnirnasike nirabhidyeta.n nasikabhyam pranah .. 

pranadvayurakshini nirabhidyetamakshibhya.n chakshushchakshusha 

adityah karnau nirabhidyeta.n karnabhya.n shrotra.n 

shrotraddishastva~nnirabhidyata tvacho lomani lomabhya oshadhivanaspatayo 

hridaya.n nirabhidyata hridayanmano manasashchandrama nabhirnirabhidyata 

nabhya apano.apananmrityuh 

shishna.n nirabhidyata shishnadreto retasa apah .. 4.. 

To be continued ....



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